
A place to discuss all things nerdy...

NerdSpork's Karaoke Corner Post 4

Happy BELATED Halloween! Yes, at the time of this writing Halloween has just passed, and I still have some of my daughter’s left over candy. We had pounded the pavement of the Chelsey mall in Manhattan to earn this stash. It was my 1st time going there. One of my neighbors had suggested we take our kids, and it was a good time. A lot of walking though. Most of the street were closed off because of the parade, so it was difficult getting back to my neighbors’ car. She was giving us a ride home. We stopped for pizza and witnessed a couple of guys mug a man of his rent a bike right outside the pizza shop. There were no windows separating us from the sidewalk and we were literally like 5 feet away from where it all went down. One guy had a bat…and he just started taking this dudes bike which he had I guess left unchained maybe to grab a slice of pizza or something, I’m not sure…but he saw the guy taking it and he ran up to him and started pulling the bike back. Then behind him the thief’s friend comes out of nowhere and starts pulling him back, pressuring him to let it go. The guy with the bat hit him on the arm with a warning tap…he didn't full out swing and shatter his arm or anything, but it was enough to make the guy let go. Then he just rode away. It all happened so suddenly and I was just looking at these people like what is going on. I was dressed like batman and after the fact I imagined myself jumping in and beating up the bad guys…you know…living the dream, but I didn't want to get hit with a bat or worst…who knew if any of those guys were packing? It wasn't my bike…it wasn't my business, and my daughter was right there. She doesn't need to see her dad get killed trying to stop a Halloween robbery. That would have affected her…she might have become Batgirl or something, and superheroes lead unnecessarily dangerous lives. I did feel bad for the guy though. I hope he immediately cancelled his credit card so the guy's bike would just auto break mid-ride. Anyway, that was quite an experience for me. I came from a family that didn't really celebrate Halloween. I might have bought a costume once or twice as a kid but my mom never let us go trick or treating. She felt it was like begging, and on Halloween we'd sit in a dimly lit house pretending not to be home. I think she was afraid of the neighborhood kids too. We lived across from the Edenwald projects in the Bronx. They were notorious for crime. At least that's what I always hear growing up. Fortunately, I had had very few bad experiences while living in that area, but then I was very sheltered as a kid and never allowed to roam the neighborhood by myself. Living in the Bronx though made us all nervous on Halloween, when I was young people used to throw eggs, spray shaving cream, and even nair I've heard. I recall being in a bus as a kid on halloween…riding home from school or wherever we were coming from and some rowdy kids lifting the windows up from the outside and spraying shaving cream through the window. Fortunately, we weren't seated across from that window but you know it was kind of rattling to see that as a kid. I thought things had calmed down over the years but Halloween just gives people another excuse to act crazy...steal some poor guys bike…well that is if you're a criminal. For the rest of us…it gives us another reason to Karaoke!!! Here it is folks after a long hiatus…I have returned with the next rendition of karaoke corner…featuring songs fit for Halloweeeeen!

And now it's time to play,” Who sang it better.” I know I can't complete with the likes of these professionals…I can only hope they let me join in on one of these group numbers someday.

Okay this next one has nothing to do with Halloween but for some reason my duet partner felt like dressing up like it was halloween…I dunno…maybe to creep you guys out. Enjoy!

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Any resemblance to persons alive or deceased by image or story is completely coincidental..seriously this time... its coincidental..